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Research Tutorial

Off Campus Access

You've probably noticed by now that some of the database names have a little lock symbol next to them, while others don't.

Screenshot of four items from the Database list. New York Times (, New York Times – Historical (1851-2002), and Newspaper Source Plus are shown with arrows pointing out the lock icon next to the database name. Newspapers of Connecticut (19th Century) shown with an arrow pointing out no lock icon next to the database name.

That lock symbol means that it is a database that the library subscribes to (that is, pays money in order to access). What that means is that if you ever try to access one of the "locked" databases while you are off campus, you will need to go through an extra step to be able to get into it.

When you are on-campus, you simply click on the database name and it takes you into the database. That's because the systems are set up to recognize that you're on the University of Hartford campus and therefore, you're allowed to access things that we pay for.

If you're off campus, the systems don't necessarily know that you're part of the University, and so it doesn't know to let you in. If you click on a database name that is one of the subscription databases, you will get the following page:

All this is asking is for you to prove you're part of the University of Hartford. Simply enter your UHart email and the same password that you use for your email. Once you click submit, you should be taken into the database.

As always, if you run into any problems, please contact a librarian, and we will help you figure out what's going on.

So now that you know what a database is and how to find them on the library's web page, let's start searching!

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