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Music Theory: Analysis


Searchable lists of analyses.

Use an index to find an analysis you wish to read, then search the library's resources to access it. Search the catalog or WorldCat for books, eJournal Locator for articles, and Proquest Dissertations & Theses for doctoral and master's documents.


Books in the Library (selections)

Find more indexes

Search the catalog by subject: Musical analysis > Bibliography

Articles & Dissertations

Articles are written by experts and usually cover a narrow topic in great detail. Dissertations are written by graduate students and often cover topics not yet fully researched elsewhere.

Music Theory Journals (selections)

Journal Article Databases

thinkerLibrary databases provide citations for articles, book chapters, and more. Most articles/chapters focus on a narrow and specific topic, so they are great for deeper research. To get started:

  1. Choose a database.
  2. Search for keywords such as genres, topics, names of people, etc.
  3. Limit your results by date, language, and more with the the left-hand menu on the results page.

Need more help?

See our Article help page for step-by-step instructions and videos to help you search databases and find full-text articles. And you can always ask a librarian for individual help.

Music Article & Dissertation Databases

Find Full Text Articles

Search eJournal Locator for the journal title:

 Journal Title:

Need help? See our article help page or ask a librarian.

Analysis Books

Theory Fundamentals (selections)

Analyses in the Library (selections)

Find More with Subjects

catalog search for 'folk music united states' with keyword changed to subject and format set to Printed Music (All), result showing location and call numberHow to search

  1. Open the library catalog.
  2. Type in a subject.
  3. Change the type from Keyword to Subject.
  4. Limit by format.
  5. Find a record for the item you need.
  6. Use the location and call number to find it on the shelf.

Image: Catalog search set to Subject and Printed Music, and search result showing location and call number.

How to find subjects

Here are a few subjects to get you started:
Music theory
Musical analysis
Musical form

You can find more subjects in individual catalog records. Find one book on your desired topic, then click on a subject to find more materials with that subject:

catalog record with Subjects section circled, text to the side reads 'click on to find more materials with the same subject'

Browse the Shelves

Browse for music theory and analysis books:

Call Number Topic
ML410 Composer biographies
(often include analyses)
ML423 Theorist biographies
ML430–ML455 History of composition
(harmony, form, etc.)
ML457 Interpretation and performance practice
ML459–ML1354 Instruments and instrumental music
ML3800–ML3921 Philosophy and physics of music
MT5.5–MT7 Music theory in general
MT40–MT67 Composition
(rhythm, harmony, counterpoint, etc.)
MT90–MT146 Analytical guides
MT870 Sight singing

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Want to suggest we purchase something new? Contact Tracey Rudnick (


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