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Music Education: Teaching

Online Resources

Lesson Plans and Ideas


General Music Ed Books (selections)

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (selections)

Difference and Division in Music Education

Recognises that music education is always both inclusive and exclusive, and considers the responsibility of music education to respond to rising social discord and tensions.

Including Everyone

Also available as an e-book.
Rather than focusing on students' disabilities, this book equips music teachers with 5 principles of inclusive instruction for all learners in the classroom and rehearsal room.

Music, Education, and Diversity

Discusses the role music can play as a bridge to cultural understanding. Examines the promises and pitfalls in shaping multicultural education through music.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (find more)

Browse by subject in the catalog, for example: (You may want to limit your search results to Allen Library for music/dance materials.)

Children with disabilities > Education 
Culturally relevant pedagogy
Inclusive education
Multicultural education 
Music > Instruction and study > Social aspects 
Music > Social aspects 
Social action 
Social justice and education

See also our related guides:

Educational Systems (selections)

Music Cognition Books (selections)

Browse the Shelves

young man looks at library shelvesThere are many more teaching books available in the library! Use these call numbers to find more:

Call Number Topic
MT1 Theory of music education 
MT10 Teaching manuals
MT17 Music in special education
MT20 Special teaching methods
(Kodály, solfege, etc.)
MT730 Orchestra instruction
MT733 Band instruction
MT740 - MT810 Children's instruction 
MT875 Choral instruction
MT898 - MT949 Children's instruction 


Music Education Videos (selections)

Find more music education videos

Search the catalog by subject (limiting the format to videos), for example: 
Music > Instruction and study 
Singing > Instruction and study 

Browse the shelves by call number: 
Most music education videos have call numbers starting with MO MT (for DVDs) or MV MT (for VHS tapes).

Suggest a Resource

Know of a resource you think should be added to this guide? Let us know!

Want to suggest we purchase something new? Contact Tracey Rudnick (


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