Here are just a few of many LGBTQ+ composers. Click to see a list of their music in our library.
Superscript letters = Source identifying the person as LGBTQ+. See list of sources below.
EP: Ellis-Petersen. "Nico Muhly Takes on Alan Turing."
GMO: Grove Music Online. Search composer's name to read their biography.
GMO2: Grove Music Online, entry on Gay and Lesbian Music
KIL: Killacky. "Meredith Monk's Moving Installations."
LAC: Lesbian American Composers CD
PUL: "From February House to the State House."
Use the resources below to discover other LGBTQ+ composers. Then, search their name in our catalog to find their music in the library.
If we don't own a piece you want, search for it in WorldCat and click "ILL this with ILLiad" to borrow a copy from another library. Or, contact Tracey Rudnick (, 860.768.4404) to suggest we buy a copy.
Click to see new LGBTQ+ books in the Allen Library
Search subjects in the catalog:
Gay composers
Gay musicians
Gender identity in music
Homosexuality and music
Homosexuality in music
Queer musicology
Sex in music
Sex role in music
Transgender musicians
Transgender ... (other subjects, limited to Allen Library materials)
...or search specific names, for example:
Benjamin Britten
John Cage
Meredith Monk
Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky
Search one of the following databases for specific names, work titles, or keywords such as gay, lesbian, sexuality, gender identity, etc.
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