Note: This page explores musicians with native heritage from Pacific Islands, Southern Asia, or Eastern Asia.
We do not include musicians from the Middle East, Russia, or Central Asian countries. We hope to add the Middle East and Central Asian musicians as this guide grows, and Russian musicians are not included as they are already well represented in Western classical music.
Here are just a few of many AAPI/Asian composers. Click to see a list of their music in our library.
Use the resources below to discover other AAPI/Asian composers. Then, search their name in our catalog to find their music in the library.
If we don't own a piece you want, search for it in WorldCat and click "ILL this with ILLiad" to borrow a copy from another library. Or, contact Tracey Rudnick (, 860.768.4404) to suggest we buy a copy.
In the library, most music by AAPI/Asian composers is not published in AAPI-specific anthologies. Use one of the resources listed above to find a name or work title you're interested in, and then search it the library catalog.
However, we do have a few country-specific anthologies for art songs:
Click to see the newest AAPI studies books in the Allen Library
Search subjects in the catalog:
Asian American musicians
Music > Asia
Music > China
Music > India
Music > Japan
Music > Social aspects > Asia
To find more, use the subjects above, but substitute different countries/regions.
For example, Music > [Asia, East Asia, Philippines, etc.]
...or search specific names, for example:
Ravi Shankar
Tōru Takemitsu
Isang Yun
Search articles online or browse the Allen Library current periodicals (near the Allen entrance).
See especially:
Search one of the following databases for specific names, work titles, countries, or keywords such as asian, asian-american, AAPI, etc. Note that older research may use outdated terms such as oriental.
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