AccessPhysiotherapy is a regularly updated database for the study, instruction, and practice of physical therapy that integrates leading physical therapy textbooks, procedure and exercise videos, image galleries, self-assessment tools, and a cadaver dissection tool – optimized for viewing on any device.
The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature with links to selected full text articles. Indexes English language journals, books, dissertations, standards, research instruments, etc. Includes cited references. Made available by ResearchIT CT.
The F.A. Davis PT Collection on AccessPhysiotherapy is a comprehensive online physical therapy resource that covers the entire spectrum of physical therapy, exercise and rehabilitation techniques, and kinetics. It includes reference works, case files, and videos.
(Please note that you do not need to sign in again once you have connected to this database. This database, like others, offers users the option to create an account on their site to save your research. The account you create will be independent of any University of Hartford account.)
Consumer health information providing access to full-text consumer health magazines and reference books, including searchable full text for current health pamphlets. Covers a wide variety of subjects, including information on specific diseases as well as overall health topics. Subjects include fitness, nutrition, diabetes, aging, women's health, children's health and more.
Comprehensive database of international literature, covering every aspect of medicine and healthcare.
MedlinePlus will direct you to information to help answer health questions. MedlinePlus also has extensive information about drugs, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, interactive patient tutorials, and latest health news.
Abstracts of randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews in physiotherapy. Most include quality ratings to assist in justifying validity and interpretability.
The database includes biology journal titles, with many available in full text. ProQuest Biology Journals includes information resources for users in academic, government, and public research environments.
Find information from nursing, allied health, and related publications. This database is designed to meet the needs of researchers at health-care facilities as well as students enrolled in nursing and allied health programs at academic institutions.
ProQuest Psychology Journals provide both students and mental-health professionals’ access to charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements essential to psychological research from top psychology and related publications.
This American Psychological Association (APA) database contains an international, multilingual index with abstracts of articles, books, and selected dissertations in psychology. Made available by ResearchIT CT.
Comprehensive database of international literature, covering every aspect of medicine and healthcare. Accessible through two services. If one is busy, try another. Limited full text available.
PubMed Central is a digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journals, maintained by the US National Institutes of Health.
Search our collection for access to both electronic and paper journals.
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